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  • By Joel A. Johnson

    Juicing is a very healthy life style. Juicing extracts natural nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in large quantities from fruits and vegetables. This is much easier as you don't have to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to get these nutrients in such portions.

    Shoppers should be aware that natural juices in stores have a lot less nutrients and enzymes, as they go through a heating process when they were being manufactured.

    If you decide to go into juicing, as with anything else, start by learning the basics about juicing which will allow you to build a good foundation to launch from.

    The first thing you should do to get going in juicing is to find out the health benefits that can be derived from the different fruits and vegetables at your disposal. This will help you determine which juice will best suit the challenges or concerns you may have with your health.

    As you do your research you may learn that if you have a problem with joint inflammation, you can drink juices with cantaloupe, celery, beet and cucumber to aid with joints and bone repairs.

    Note that collard greens such as cabbage and kale should not be used for juicing. They have their health benefits but when raw they are known to suppress thyroid activity. Cook them a little before eating.

    Remove vegetables from the refrigerator a few hours before juicing. When vegetables too cold are used in juicing they tend to negatively effect your gastrointestinal tract which can lead to stomach problems.

    The better juices are those from green vegetables such as lettuce, chard, spinach, and parsley. Juicing experts recommend making most of your juices 50-70% greens, and add fruit or other vegetables for flavoring. Fruit juices may taste sweeter, but compared to green vegetables, they tend to be too sweet and high in calories.

    We all know how healthy green vegetables are, but many of us don't enjoy eating them. Add other healthy and pleasant tasting ingredients such as sweet fruits like apples and pears to enjoy your juice. You can also add some lime if you prefer a sour taste.

    Juice the fruits and vegetables you like to eat. This way you will enjoy juicing and won't see it as some medicine taking exercise. A healthy lifestyle is something you should enjoy.

    Ensure that you take care of your juicer. Always wash your juicer as soon as you are finished with it. Bear in mind that some vegetable and fruits can stain jugs and blades.

    Heavy duty juicers are expensive so always remove seeds and pit fruits before juicing to avoid a heavy repair bill. Some seeds such as apple seeds contain cyanide which is toxic. Care should therefore be made to remove seeds.

    That is it, you now know how to start juicing. You just need to learn about juice extractors and you are on your way.

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