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  • By Brendon Volegna

      A lot of women are into tummy tuck procedures. It has becoming a popular cosmetic procedure nowadays. There are a lot of things that has to be weighed on when deciding for the surgery. One of the things that you actually have to think about more in this procedure is its recovery. Tummy tuck recovery after the procedure can be challenging for the patients.

      Skins are oftentimes removed as well as fats while the muscles are strengthened. It can bring out trauma to the body initially. It can take several weeks for an individual to fully regain their normal life after the surgery. If you want to undergo a tummy tuck procedure, understanding on how to recover safely is important. Here are some tips to follow.

      It is important for you to take a couple of weeks off your work. This should be included in your comprehensive planning for the tummy tuck surgery. In fact, a lot of plastic surgeons would recommend one month of vacation although most of the surgeons nowadays will only recommend you to take a couple of weeks off. This will help your body to heal in a comfortable environment such as your home.

      Another good thing that you can do about your tummy tuck recovery is to wear an elastic belly band for around three weeks after the surgery to reduce the swelling. The elastic belly band is almost the same to a thick girdle. It can be uncomfortable and restricting sometimes but these belly bands will help your incision wounds to heal as well as the muscles underlying it.

      The use of compression hose for your legs is also one good recommendation from a lot of doctors nowadays. These hoses are weren't for two days after surgery in order to decrease the risk of blood clot formations. In fact, a lot of doctors recommended the use of compression hose for women who have undergone caesarian section. They help in reducing the possible embolism.

      Going for a non-stress walking exercise after tummy tuck surgery is also a good idea for you to recover faster. A lot of doctor believes on the principle that you have to promote a good circulation and that can be through walking and getting up as soon as you can after the procedure.

      For instance, you may start moving around your house in the first two days after surgery. You can then start walking around your block after a week or so. This will even help you heal faster. Do not get annoyed about not seeing your desired results immediately or the scars are quite obvious. It is common for most while it may take a few days before seeing the results.

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