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  • By Emmanuel Palmer

    Let me ask you a question?do you want to get high? No, I don?t mean the illegal form of high. I mean the natural, adrenalin pumping and problem freeing high? Physical regimens can do that for you. How can workouts help with your problems? Well, in exercise, especially intensive weight training programs, you need to push your body to the limit and it takes supreme mental discipline to execute this properly?leaving you not much brain space to worry for the time being. But more than that, seeing the fruits of your literal labors is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have.

    So are you ready to get it on? Here are some information on some of the best muscle building workouts that is sure to help you get body in great shape the best possible way. There are two main weight training methods professional trainers use: the high intensity and the periodization training.

    The first type of training is probably more painful but will yield faster results. High intensity training is exercising to your maximum capacity in the shortest time possible. Sessions last for only about 60 to 90 minutes twice or thrice a week. As your body develops more and more in strength, you are expected to regularly increase the weight and reps for each set you perform. By utilizing high intensity training workouts, you are putting a big physical demand on your body and the consequence is a better body in a shorter time.

    In periodization, you are giving your body more time to familiarize itself with the physical strains of exercise. There is a three week light training period of ?getting to know each other?, followed by another two to three weeks of courtship and finishing strong with heavy training-- matrimony if we pursue the allegorical significance. The focus of periodization is not to over train your body but to gradually increase your muscle mass in phases. The phases ensure that your body is pushed to higher levels, albeit more leisurely, as effectively as high intensity training.

    High intensity and periodization regimens both have its advantages and disadvantages. The key is to incorporate both philosophies in a workout that would suit your body the best. A three to four day split workout is the best muscle building strategy for many professional trainers. You hit your training with high intensity without too much volume that might result in over training. Switch up the exercises every so often for best outcome.

    There are many different workouts you can try per muscle group. You can never go wrong with the squats for the legs. Throw in some lunges and leg curls while you?re at it. For the arms, make use of dumbbell curls and barbell wrist curls. The back is one of the bigger muscle group; use barbell shrugs, seated rows, rope pull downs and hyperextensions for the lower back. Train your shoulders with the seated shoulder press and military press and employ the bench press (change up the angles to incline, decline and back to flat) for your chest workout. Finish it off with the classic crunches or the more challenging leg raises to tighten your abdominal muscles.

    Look for weight training programs that challenge you to raise the standards of your physical endurance?they are the best training to have. Whatever motivations you have be it health, strength or a better physique you can flaunt?you can have it if you keep on keeping on.

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