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  •   Treadmills offer you the privacy of your own home along with all the niceties of life, right at your fingertips. More importantly, treadmills offer you variety in your walking workout.

      You can walk at any pace, at any time and it doesn't matter what the weather is like, or your neighborhood. One of the best ways of losing weight using a treadmill is your ability to do interval training. Interval training allows you to cross the plateau from getting a workout to getting a furnace-like fat burning workout.
    Interval Training

      Treadmills can be used to change a normal walking weight loss exercise into an effective weight loss workout. Interval training means to incorporate brief, one minute periods into your normal walking routine. For example, you will add one minute of increased physical activity every 5 minutes into your normal 45 or 60 minute walking weight loss regimen. You can choose to either walk at a faster pace or even jog for one minute out of every five to increase your heart rate without burning yourself out.
    How it Works

      Interval training increases your aerobic fitness level by crossing the threshold into anaerobic metabolism. You will be forcing your body to become more conditioned to more intense activity without keeping your heart rate elevated for your entire workout.

      The best to lose weight is by keeping your heart rate in the specific training zone of 60 to 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Interval training allows you to go above your target heart rate, but only for brief periods of time.

      What it Does
    By conditioning your body to accept the added intensity of the work out without actually going over your target heart rate very often, your heart won't have to pump as fast to provide the same amount of blood. Your heart is getting stronger and your lungs are working more efficiently. In the long run, you will be able to sustain a quicker pace while walking without going over your target heart rate.

      Keep Records
    Keeping records of your workouts on a treadmill has one main benefit, motivation. At the end of 30, 60 and 90 days, you will be able to see how far you walked, and how fast you did it. Records will be a testament of your true fitness level. Keep records of the weight you have lost and what your workouts included. This will help you identify what works for you and what doesn't.

      Once you find your target workout-to-weight loss ratio, you will know what to do for the rest of your walking workouts to keep losing weight and keep it off.
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